100 Club
Monthly payments remain the same at £2.00 per month. If you pay yearly by cheque rather than on a monthly standing order, please let Tim Francis have your payment as soon as possible after the start of February.
There will be 2 draws in the Autumn term and 1 in the Spring term with prize money as follows:-
1st prize - £75.00, 2nd prize - £50.00, 3rd prize - £25.00
If you are not already a member, please consider helping the choir funds by joining the 100 Club as this is a very valuable source of income for us. Last year it brought in nearly £600 profit. (Note that you do not have to be a member of AFC to join the 100 Club, so please encourage your friends and family members to join - it all helps!)
You’ve got to be in it to win it!!!!.
There will be 2 draws in the Autumn term and 1 in the Spring term with prize money as follows:-
1st prize - £75.00, 2nd prize - £50.00, 3rd prize - £25.00
If you are not already a member, please consider helping the choir funds by joining the 100 Club as this is a very valuable source of income for us. Last year it brought in nearly £600 profit. (Note that you do not have to be a member of AFC to join the 100 Club, so please encourage your friends and family members to join - it all helps!)
You’ve got to be in it to win it!!!!.